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Sadly, we are losing our long-time director and dear friend, Katy Dane, who is moving to Canada. We are forging ahead in search for a director that will help us continue our quest for excellence and performance growth. We will be accepting applications March 1 thru March 31. Click on the image to access the application form. Return it or send questions to

Thank you for your interest

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“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”




We’re a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, the worlds largest singing organization for treble voices. Although we sing 4-part harmony in the barbershop style, we also love to explore the many styles of a cappella; hence the “unlimited” in our name. Since chartering in 2011, we have continued to perfect our performance, challenging ourselves to be better singers. Our members, from the youngest to the oldest, are constantly striving to be the best at what we do, whether we’re performing in our community, at a nursing home, or on stage competing we are focused on excellence and diversity in music, membership and performance while celebrating our love of a cappella.




Laura DeGraw Photography

Laura DeGraw Photography

Katy Dane is a multi-talented music educator, director and coach. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Music from Luther College in Decorah, Iowa where she concentrated in K-12 vocal and instrumental music education. She moved to Texas to obtain her Masters of Music in Choral Conducting at Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.  She joined Sweet Adelines International (SAI) as a director with A Cappella Unlimited in 2011 and the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) as a director with A Cappella Texas in 2017.

Katy is on the music education faculty for the Great Gulf Coast Region 10 (SAI), and a faculty member at Harmony University (BHS). As director of A Cappella Unlimited, Katy led Au to seven 1st Place Division A Small Chorus Regional Championships. In 2019 and 2023 Au received the Audience Choice Award. And in September 2019 she directed Au to a 2nd place finish in their first-ever Sweet Adelines International Harmony Classic Division A competition in New Orleans, LA.

With Katy as their director, Austin-based A Cappella Texas earned Most Improved Chorus in Plateau A Southwestern Division, overall Most Improved Chorus in the Southwestern District, and 4th place in the Southwestern District (BHS). In February of 2022, Katy was named “Music Educator of the Year” by the National Association for Music Educators in conjunction with BHS.

Katy completed the SAI Director’s Certification Program in 2022. She lives in Georgetown, TX with a handsome Huskie roomate, and teaches middle school orchestra, choir and theater 1 at Benold Middle School.


Our Team

Every organization needs leadership to keep it functioning at its best and moving forward. It’s important to have individuals with vision, dedication, purpose and, not least of all, administrative skills. Au is no different. We are proud to introduce our 2024-2025 Management Team

SANDY BLEVINS - FINANCESandy assumes responsibility for Au finances.  She is a founding member of Au, joining in 2010 and has held positions as team coordinator, membership and performance coordinator, and has been a section leader. She performed as a member of Austin Harmony, Alamo Metro and Houston Horizon choruses. Sandy is retired from a career in publishing.


Sandy assumes the helm for Au. She is a founding member of Au, joining in 2010 and has held the team coordinator position previously. She has also chaired membership and performance, and has been a section leader. She performed as a member of Austin Harmony, Alamo Metro and Houston Horizon choruses. Sandy is retired from a career in publishing.Mail to:

KATE HUNGERFORD - FINANCE ADVISORAs the former Finance Coordinator for the team, Kate now holds an appointed position as financial advisor and she assists Christy on all chorus financial matters. She is primarily responsible for budgeting and planni…


Kate assumes formal duties as Au’s Finance Coordinator, She will be responsible for all financial activity for the chorus to include budgeting and planning. Kate has been a member of A Cappella Unlimited since October 2015, and was formerly a member of Lone Star Chorus. She has served Au as communications coordinator and finance coordinator. Kate is currently retired from being a special education teacher at Tobias Elementary in Kyle, Texas. Mail to:


Christy joins the 2024-2025 team as membership coordinator. She previously served on the team as the finance coordinator. She joined Au in December of 2017. Although she’s sung in choirs off and on her whole life, Au is her first barbershop experience. She currently sings tenor in the chorus and in 99 Problems quartet. Professionally she is an ultrasound technician, which she loves. Mail to:


Kathy is responsible for branding and imaging for Au and keeping the public aware of the chorus and its accomplishments. After a career in PR and marketing and having sung all her life with classical and barbershop choruses, she helped to charter Au and previously served as team leader and marketing coordinator. She is lead with Au.


Roz is a founding member of Au and has sung previously with Houston Horizon Chorus, Austin Harmony Chorus, Alamo Metro Chorus. She is also a member of the Region 10 Management Team. Roz has served Au previously as Team Coordinator and Finance Coordinator and is the Bass Section Leader She works for Trimeric Corp as an engineer.

KATY DANE - DIRECTORKaty is the musical leader of the chorus and is responsible for education and the musical performance of the chorus. Katy joined Au in 2011 and was a founding member. Au is her first experience with a Sweet Adeline chorus. She is…


Katy is the musical leader of the chorus and is responsible for education and the musical performance of the chorus. Katy joined Au in 2011 and was a founding member. Au is her first experience with a Sweet Adeline chorus. She is a Great Gulf Coast Region 10 Education faculty member and in March 2022 she completed her SAI Director’s Certification Program. In addition to Au, she directs A Cappella Texas, a Barbershop Harmony Chorus; BHS Southwestern District, and is the Dean of Education for BHS Harmony University,and works for Georgetown ISD as Director of Orchestras at Benold Middle School. Mail to:

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
— Andrew Carnegie

Our Members


Sandy Blevins • Renee Chang. • Kyong Hee Chee • Kadi Conklin • Katy Dane • Laura DeAngelo • Cheyenne Gonzalez • Kate Hungerford • Roz Jones • Christy Libby • Marché Marquis • Melonie Mills • Michelle Mitchell • Kathy Pillmore • Carol Roettinger. •. Stephanie Sarvis. • Jocelyn Vallee • Meli VanNatta • Marie White • Kathy Wilson • Bonnie Wolfe • Jocelyn Yanagisawa



CHARTERED: December 2011

2012 Region 10 Competition • Division A 5th Place • Overall 8th Place

2013 Region 10 Competition • Division A 1st Place • Overall 5th Place • Most Improved

2014 Region 10 Competition • Division A 1st Place • Overall 5th Place

2015 Region 10 Competition • Division A 1st Place • Overall 5th Place

2016 Region 10 Competition • Division A 2nd Place • Overall 4th Place

2017 Region 10 Competition • Division A 1st Place • Overall 4th Place

2018 Region 10 Competition • Division A 1st Place • Overall 3rd Place • Audience Favorite • Qualified for 2019 Harmony Classic

2019 Region 10 Competition • Division A 1st Place • Overall 3rd Place

International Harmony Classic 2nd Place • Achieved 600 Master Singer status

2020 & 2021 Competition cancelled due to pandemic.

2022 Region 10 Competition • Division A 4th Place • Overall 6th Place

2023 Region 10 Competition • Division A 1st Place • Overall 3rd Place • Most Improved (70 points) and Audience Favorite!

2024 Region 10 Competition º Division A 2nd Place • Overall 4th Place

2025 Region 10 Competition • Division A 1st Place • Overall 3rd Place


What’s in a name?

A Cappella Unlimited (Au) is the Periodic Table symbol for Gold! Gold has always been recognized as the standard for the best, the pinnacle of any achievement. Au reflects our desire to be the best at what we do.

Unlimited represents our commitment to step outside our genre to experience the full range of a cappella music.


Bee One with Au!

SING WITH US: Mondays, 7 pm - 10 pm (Check Calendar for changes, coaches or special events)

Texas State University Music Building, Room 222

101 Pleasant Street, San Marcos, TX • $5 Parking available in the Pleasant Street garage. Use the “AMP Park” app on your phone.

CALL OR EMAIL US: 737.242.6453 •

MAIL US: 12701 Crystal Creek Dr., Buda, TX 78610

FOLLOW US: On Facebook • Instagram • Meet Up • X (Formerly Twitter)

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Hire Au for your next corporate event, holiday party or just for fun

2025 Regional Competition

The award-winning A Cappella Unlimited chorus is available to perform at your event. You may hire the full chorus, a quartet or double quartet. Availability depends on date, time and location of the event. Au’s talented women will delight and entertain your audience whatever the occasion. Contact us about details…737-242-6453 or email


Au 2024 Regional Competition Official Photo